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About Lakeshaw, a live music and lifestyle photographer



Ever had one of those moments where you're looking at a photo and feel that the photographer "got it"? Me too. "Ooh yes" is what I call these moments. It's that feel good moment when you can look at photos from a concert and remember the exact song you were singing. That moment when you're at a panel talk and someone says something thought provoking that literally challenged everything you thought you knew.

ooh yes.

Every time I take a photo and edit it, I always keep in mind my "ooh yes shots". If I open it in Lightroom and look at the raw photo and don't say ooh yes, I don't feel as if I got it right. If it didn't move me or my gut reaction doesn't require a happy dance, then did I truly get it? There's a likelihood it didn't make it to this website or anywhere, for that matter.

Photography Portfolio.

Here's a selection of moments I've captured over the past four years (2016-2020). To download my photography portfolio, click here.



Have a question about my services or just a general thought? Drop a line below and you can expect a response within 48 hours. Prefer to send an email? Email